The Best Easter Egg Hostess Gift

Easter is probably my favorite holiday! It’s meaning stretches far beyond little bunnies and egg hunts for me My roots run deep in this holiday and I’m so thankful for the ability to freely celebrate our risen Savior, Jesus! While I hold tight to these beliefs, I’ve always enjoyed the other activities Easter brings as well

I always remember coloring eggs as a kid and the excitement of thinking about which

What You Need to Know About Fowl Pox!

Most of the time, I look forward to writing these blogs because we get to talk about the wonderful ways backyard chickens can add to our lives, fun recipes with our eggs and helpful ways to care for our flocks However, there are times when we have to talk about the other side of raising backyard chickens, and today is one of those times

Today, we’re going to learn all about fowl

Overcoming Transportation Stress with New Baby Chicks

What to do with Aggressive Baby Chicks?

I remember the very first time we got baby chicks The excitement was off the charts! We were going to have this perfect little flock Then reality set in We had one little Barred Rock who just wouldn’t quit bullying the other chicks At this point, I was not only mortified by her eye pecks, I was wondering if I was doing something wrong to have her exhibit this behavior After some research, and now a lot of experience, this is what I’ve found

How to Add Ducks or Geese to Your Flock

Valentine’s Treats for Your Flock

Valentine’s Treats for Your Flock



I realize my chickens have no idea if it’s Valentine’s Day or not, but what chicken doesn’t love a special treat now and again? Really, we’re a lot like chickens! Ha! Valentine’s Day or not, getting a special treat is fun and makes us feel loved

I was busy in the kitchen today preparing these heart-shaped treats for my girls, when one of our kids walked in and made sure I was planning on making him a Valentine treat too! I offered him a scratch and mealworm filled

Popular Egg Layer Breeds

I hope your new year is off to a great start! This is the time of year where most people start dreaming about adding to their flock Of course, there are those of us who dream all year long about adding more chickens! (Aka me)

Right now, it’s the middle of winter here so there’s a little more down time to plan and prepare for those new little chicks I’m sitting here scrolling through Hoover’s Hatchery catalog and I think I’m in trouble! How does one pick with all these amazing breeds?

Most people get into backyard chickens for the fresh

Quick and Easy Christmas Deviled Egg Wreaths

Hurry! You’ve been invited to a friend’s house for a get together and you’re not sure what to bring? Well, maybe not in 2020 but you know what I mean? Anyways, I’ll help you out! I’m not going to go into a long story on how I came about all of this It’s really not that spectacular And, if you’re in a rush like I was, the last thing you want to do is to scroll through a long story before you