What Vegetables Can Chickens Eat?

My chickens absolutely love our garden! Our chicken run and garden are separated by a tall fence and the chickens stand at the fence and beg me for their favorite vegetables It’s hilarious! I’ll toss over some cucumbers, zucchini, a few tomatoes or other rainbow-colored snacks They go wild and it’s fun knowing they love these treats so much all while being good for them

Can Chickens Get Fleas?

Summer has officially started in the Midwest, and we are so excited! The luscious green grass, trees and landscape are especially gorgeous in Minnesota at this time of year However, along with summer’s beautiful landscapes, it also brings some gross pests for your flock

Don’t get me wrong, these pests are not limited to summer, but where we live, nothing wants to survive in the winter! Haha! However, it is still possible, so it’s good to know how to prevent

Can I Have Chickens Where I Live? And How to Find Out

Keeping chickens as backyard pets and for egg production has become very popular among homeowners! I feel like since covid hit, backyard chickens and gardening blew up because people were home and had time to care for their flocks and gardens Since then, thanks to Pinterest and responsible chicken keepers, the industry continues to grow!

However, before diving into the world of backyard chickens, it’s important to determine if you can legally have chickens in your residential area Obviously, if you live on an acreage that you own like we

Which Chickens Lay Green Eggs?

When I first started raising backyard chickens, I didn’t even consider egg color I was more concerned about healthy, fresh eggs for my family and docile chickens who were fun to be around

It wasn’t too long into this adventure, though, that I dreamed of a colorful egg basket! I really had no idea all the different

How to Sex a Baby Chick

Let me kick off this blog with a quick disclaimer: I’m no pro at determining whether your cute little chick is a he or she, but let’s dive into how the experts do it! If you’re part of any backyard chicken group on Facebook, you’ve probably seen folks asking weekly about their chicks’ gender Trust me, I get the curiosity! I’ve ended up with a couple of surprise roosters myself from “straight run” breeds, which means they haven’t been sexed yet

Navigating the

Will Chickens Stop Laying Eggs if the Coop is Dirty?

It was a coop cleaning weekend around here and let me tell you, that is a chore that feels so good to have done! 

While chickens are one of my favorite animals on the planet, they are messy Chickens love to scratch around their bedding and this creates so much dust Honestly? It’s a little crazy to me how much dust they can create


Feeding Flaxseed to Chickens

We all want to ensure our backyard flocks are as healthy as possible Many of us get into raising chickens primarily for fresh, nutritious eggs But did you know that the diet of your chickens plays a crucial role in the quality of their eggs? Incorporating flaxseed into your chickens’ diet is a fantastic way to boost their health, thanks to its high content of Omega-3 fatty acids
Let’s explore the benefits and best practices of feeding flaxseed to your chickens!

The Scoop on Apple Cider Vinegar for Chickens

In the world of backyard chicken care, apple cider vinegar (ACV) has become the latest craze Many owners tout its health benefits, claiming it can transform the well-being of their flocks But is ACV really the miracle it’s made out to be, or could it be just another fad with potential drawbacks?

Let’s explore the pros and cons of incorporating ACV into your

Memorial Day Fruit Kabobs

I can’t believe we’re almost at the end of the school year! Graduations, family get-togethers, and Memorial Day picnics are upon us I have a quick, easy, almost healthy (and festive!) treat for you to bring along with you if you’re asked to bring a snack to share These kabobs taste like summer!

Memorial Day Fruit Kabobs

All About the Sapphire Gem Chicken

It’s time for another breed spotlight! I love doing these because I learn so much about the different breeds of chickens Did you know that more than 1,600 different breeds of chickens are recognized worldwide?


I remember starting with chickens thinking there were probably just a few different varieties to choose from I went completely basic with my chicken breeds until I got into it a little further Now I have over 25