How Do Roosters Fertilize Eggs?

It’s no secret I love talking to people about all things chickens I get so many great questions from people who are genuinely interested in these feathery friends! Of course, they usually ask about Happy or Roxanne, if I have the fluffy chickens (Silkies) and how many chickens are in my flock But I also got some questions that surprised me

I’m a firm believer that there are

Do Chickens Have Taste Buds?

Today, we get to talk about a fascinating topic I get asked quite often about things chickens can and cannot eat and if there are certain foods they prefer Their taste preferences seem to be quite different from mine! Why is that? Some people are surprised to learn that chickens have tongues Their tongues are hard to see, but they are in there!

A chicken’s tongue is triangular and relatively small Chickens don’t have

How Do Chickens Sleep?

Chickens are some of the most fascinating birds to watch Their beautiful plumage, quirky personalities and pecking order are intriguing From them foraging for snacks to grooming themselves, chickens are always busy They rest from time to time throughout the day and are great sleepers at night!


I don’t have an automatic door on our coop I tried one once, and a couple of holdouts

How Long Do Chickens Live?


“How long will your chickens live?” I get asked this question quite often actually Most people know that my chickens are my pets Yes, they give us delicious eggs, but they give me so much more!

I’ve had my current flock for 5 ½ years now, and I’m extremely attached to many of

All About the Dominique Breed

Today we’re going to talk about a breed that looks so much like the Barred Rock, it’s almost hard to tell the difference In fact, you have to look pretty close at their combs to tell them apart!

Barred Rocks have a single comb while Dominiques have a rose comb Their feather patterns differ a bit as well, but you have to look pretty close to see that I have Barred Rocks and I love them!  But I look forward to

All About Chicken Feed: How Much, What to Avoid & Best Practices

Chicken Coop Lighting in the Winter

I don’t know about you, but me and the girls are feeling this long winter month! While it’s been absolutely gorgeous with multiple days of rime ice, January feels like it may never end Rime ice is when super cooled water liquid droplets freeze onto the trees It’s stunning and makes us feel like we’re in a snow globe

What is the Bloom on an Egg?

Chickens are absolutely incredible, and their ability to create and lay eggs is almost mind-blowing Seriously, until we started raising backyard chickens, I didn’t put much thought into where our eggs came from I would simply grab a couple dozen at the store and that was that

My egg rainbow didn’t extend outside of the classic white and brown egg until I

How Cold Can Chickens Tolerate?

One of the most commonly asked questions I get while raising backyard chickens is how I keep my chickens warm in the winter I live in Minnesota after all so it’s a valid question!

When I first started, I was actually pretty concerned about this, too Our winters can get really cold and harsh My coop wasn’t insulated, and I’d heard that running a heat lamp all the time wasn’t safe I would lay in bed wondering if my chickens would be okay!

Understanding the Pecking Order in Chickens

Shortly after I got my recent flock of chickens, I quickly decided to add more chicks to my flock It was quite the process of integrating the two flocks! After I got them all to be “one happy family”, I felt more comfortable If you’ve integrated flocks, you know exactly what I’m talking about!