Planting Herbs for Chickens to Eat

Chickens are omnivores, which means that they need to eat both plants and animals, usually in the form of insects  Eating both plants and insects is critical for healthy chickens  But did you know that herbs are also beneficial for chickens? 

Over the years, herbs have become increasingly popular as home remedies for both humans and animals, including chickens  Using herbs to raise healthy chickens isn’t just a fad either; there is a ton of research showing the health benefits of feeding herbs to your chickens  You can use herbs to replace antibiotics, prevent disease, treat

VIDEO: How To Beat the Heat and Using Hens In Your Farm

What is a Fairy Egg?

It started out like any other morning After I got my husband and kids out the door for work and school, I went out to check on my flock and collect any eggs that may be out there I was on my daily egg hunt (not all of my girls have taken a liking to nesting boxes) I was walking through the coop with a train of chickens behind me waiting for their morning treat And there, next to a few other regular sized eggs

How to Make a Chicken Dust Bath

Why Does My Hen Squat?

Have you ever walked near one of your hens and she suddenly hunkers down to the ground with her wings slightly open? She freezes and squats, not moving? This behavior is no cause for concern! Although it may seem like she is scared or in pain, squatting in this manner is a normal part of rooster/hen behavior

As I once heard one person say, “Well, she’s easy” All joking aside, many people assume this behavior means they want to be picked up and are tame The funny, and kind of bizarre thing is, she actually sees the human as a

What You Need to Know About Fowl Pox!

Most of the time, I look forward to writing these blogs because we get to talk about the wonderful ways backyard chickens can add to our lives, fun recipes with our eggs and helpful ways to care for our flocks However, there are times when we have to talk about the other side of raising backyard chickens, and today is one of those times

Today, we’re going to learn all about fowl