Brown eggs make great additions to any backyard flock. They add a little bit of color and variation to your egg cartons. These birds will lay eggs that range from cream to dark brown. We are proud of the breeds that we offer and the beautiful brown eggs that they lay.
California Tan™ -
Chanteclers -
Chocolate Orpington -
Cinnamon Queen -
Cochin-Large Fowl -
Coronation Sussex -
Delaware -
Dominique -
Golden Comet -
ISA Brown -
Jersey Giants -
Marans -
Mystic Onyx™ -
New Hampshire -
Orpingtons -
Plymouth Rocks -
Production Red -
Rainbow -
Rhode Island Red -
Salmon Faverolles -
Sapphire Gem -
Sapphire Splash -
Smokey Pearl™ -
Speckled Sussex -
Turkens -
Welsummer -