Broody Adventures

Chickens have minds of their own Broodiness proves it When a flock owner wants a broody to mother a new generation of chicks it’s certain that no hens want anything to do with motherhood But, when that person needs the hens to lay lots of eggs, many will decide to go broody It can be maddening

One way to think about this is to remember that few chicken raising aspects are as fascinating as watching a broody hen incubate and mother a brood It’s also an easy way to acquire new chicks to replace aging hens


Before scientists developed hyper-efficient egg

An Egg’s Incredible Journey

Perhaps the greatest joy of keeping a small chicken flock happens when an egg hits the frying pan The bold orange yolk is as pleasant to the eye as it will soon be to the taste buds  No grocery store egg can compare with it That egg followed an amazing journey before becoming human breakfast

Months earlier, folks at Hoover’s Hatchery collected hatching eggs from their numerous brooder flocks and trucked them to Rudd, Iowa, then gently tucked them into incubators On each egg’s yolk is a tiny cell with combined genes from the rooster that mated with the hen