I don’t know about you, but me and the girls are feeling this long winter month! While it’s been absolutely gorgeous with multiple days of rime ice, January feels like it may never end Rime ice is when super cooled water liquid droplets freeze onto the trees It’s stunning and makes us feel like we’re in a snow globe
What is the Bloom on an Egg?
Chickens are absolutely incredible, and their ability to create and lay eggs is almost mind-blowing Seriously, until we started raising backyard chickens, I didn’t put much thought into where our eggs came from I would simply grab a couple dozen at the store and that was that
My egg rainbow didn’t extend outside of the classic white and brown egg until I
How Cold Can Chickens Tolerate?
One of the most commonly asked questions I get while raising backyard chickens is how I keep my chickens warm in the winter I live in Minnesota after all so it’s a valid question!
When I first started, I was actually pretty concerned about this, too Our winters can get really cold and harsh My coop wasn’t insulated, and I’d heard that running a heat lamp all the time wasn’t safe I would lay in bed wondering if my chickens would be okay!
Understanding the Pecking Order in Chickens
Shortly after I got my recent flock of chickens, I quickly decided to add more chicks to my flock It was quite the process of integrating the two flocks! After I got them all to be “one happy family”, I felt more comfortable If you’ve integrated flocks, you know exactly what I’m talking about!