My Tiny Farm

HELLO! I hope this wonderful season has been blessing everyone’s family and friends with food from gardens and bugs for your flock! I am going to switch it up today! I wanted to talk to you about my tiny farm


My tiny farm has been growing lately We went from 30 chickens and a couple ducks and turkeys,

Benefits of Chicken Compost For My Garden

Garden season is in full swing and we are so excited! Gardening has always been a big part of our family and raising backyard chickens has propelled our plants into powerhouse producers There is something so exciting about growing your own food and feeding our family nutritious meals Composting our chicken poop has been an incredible asset to our gardens

How to Integrate Your Backyard Flock Into Orchards and Row Crops

  Put your flock back to work!

This was a lesson I learned years ago when I first became interested in growing my own garden At a potluck with friends in Oregon I was blown away by my friend’s tomatoes

I asked her: “What’s your secret?”

“Chickens!” she said

As it turned out, she was using a backyard-scale crop rotation that incorporated her laying hens, occasionally allowing them to graze her garden beds, add fertility, eat bugs, scratch up the soil, and eat seeds I realized that this integration was something I needed to try myself

My poultry experience began soon after, with

How to Prevent Chickens from Eating Your Garden

A lot of people who keep backyard chickens also garden because it seems like a good combination Chickens can be really helpful for gardens, but they can also be very harmful If you’re curious about chickens and gardening, keep reading!


How Chickens Help Your Garden

Chickens can help out in the garden because they are natural tillers Turn them loose in your garden, and they immediately go to town, scratching and rearranging your dirt They can prep it in the fall, help spread out your compost or mulch, and have fun in the process

Their bedding is a great source of nitrogen

Ways Chickens Benefit a Garden

Are you raising chickens and trying to grow a garden?  Don’t get hung up on trying to keep your garden and chickens separate  Instead, try to think about how you can make them work together  Chickens can be extremely beneficial for your garden  In fact, before chicken coops were a thing, many homesteading families relied on their chickens to help in the garden


Benefits of Chickens in the Garden

  1. Chicken Manure  Did you know that many farmers spend a lot of money each year to put chicken poop on their fields?  Chicken litter, or chicken manure, is a wonderful fertilizer