Poultry Watering Systems

Poultry watering systems come in many shapes and sizes these days, and your local feed store will have several options So, which one is right for you?

There are advantages and disadvantages to any product, so choose the one that is best suited to your situation As I tell any farmer, beekeeper, or gardener: “Do what works for you!”

Some of your choices for watering systems are:

-Metal founts

-Plastic founts

-Water troughs

However, my personal preference is poultry nipples While the founts work, I found not only did they have a tendency to get dirty, but

How to Integrate Your Backyard Flock Into Orchards and Row Crops

  Put your flock back to work!

This was a lesson I learned years ago when I first became interested in growing my own garden At a potluck with friends in Oregon I was blown away by my friend’s tomatoes

I asked her: “What’s your secret?”

“Chickens!” she said

As it turned out, she was using a backyard-scale crop rotation that incorporated her laying hens, occasionally allowing them to graze her garden beds, add fertility, eat bugs, scratch up the soil, and eat seeds I realized that this integration was something I needed to try myself

My poultry experience began soon after, with