How to Maintain a Chick Brooder

Hey everyone!

Today we’re going to talk about brooder maintenance If you have ever raised chicks before you know they are adorable, cuddly, soft and…messy! I will let you in on a little secret, chickens poop a lot They love to kick around their pine shavings, tip their water over, poop in their food and water, and the list goes on But their cuteness makes up for all that As my chicks grew, I’d go out multiple times a day to check on them I would always have something to do, but I didn’t mind because I loved to interact

Five Healthy Egg Recipes to Start the New Year

Well that year just flew by! How many of you have goals and resolutions for the upcoming year? Don’t worry, this is not another blog post about setting goals You’re welcome! For real though As we age, I think most of us start thinking about how it might not be a bad idea to focus in on our health a bit Those holiday calories don’t melt off like they used to and maybe you’re not as light on your feet as you once were With all the fad diets out there, one thing most can agree on is the

How to Make Frozen Treats for Chickens

Last week was a crazy week! We were tying up loose ends, trying to pack for the 4th of July at the lake, and making sure we had everything ready for my father-in-law to watch our animals I was super busy in the kitchen when my husband walked through the door

“Oh good! You made supper I’m so hungry!” he said

Imagine my sheepish grin when I explained to him that those meal containers he was drooling over were actually Flock Fixer™ Frozen Treats for my chickens! Hahaha! I laughed so hard, and he ate cereal We all survived and

National Eggs Benedict Day

It’s April and that means one thingI know what you’re thinking…it’s National Eggs Benedict Day! Haha just kidding! You’re probably thinking about Spring, baby chicks and getting your gardens started I’m totally with you on these topics too However, if you’re looking for something fun to try with all of those eggs you’re getting, why not give a new eggs Benedict recipe a try on the national holiday?

Now, I’m nowhere near an Iron Chef I’m probably more of a Nailed It type So, if I can whip this up pretty quickly, so can you I also had the help

My Chicks Are Here

The day has finally come! We have set up our brooder and are ready to meet our new chicks I’m one of those people who get excited about the small things in life, and this was no exception! I couldn’t wait to get my hands on those sweet girls There are few things in life as soft and fluffy as new baby chicks


When we picked out our chicks, I had a friend of mine help me do some research on the best chickens for what we were wanting Do your research! There are many different breeds of

Thanksgiving Leftovers Chopped Challenge

After your big Thanksgiving get-together, what do you do with all that extra food? Unless you’re a terrific menu planner, chances are, you will have some leftovers Most people welcome a few leftovers, but after you’ve fed your family the same Thanksgiving meal for 4 days (no judging here!), why not spice it up a bit?

In our family, we love doing the Chopped Challenge! For those unfamiliar with the Food Network show, “Chopped”, chefs use a basket of mystery ingredients to create a three-course meal At the end of each course, a panel of judges “chops” one chef whose

How to Integrate Your Chicken Flocks

When I started this adventure with backyard chickens, I was very direct in the fact that I wanted NO MORE than 6 chickens! I had kept chickens before and both times I ended up with way too many and was overwhelmed Fast forward to now, our kids are older, we have a better set up, and here I am with 26 chickens! I didn’t start out that way, though Originally, I started with 10 chicks with the intent to give 4 away, but I found myself quickly attached to all 10

And then came spring Our local farm supply store

How to Manage Molting Season

I remember when I watched our first chickens go through their fall molt I was concerned and thought for sure my chickens were dying! They looked like a hot mess! But upon some further research, I learned that it’s a very normal part of raising chickens In fact, chickens go through two smaller molts while they’re growing as chicks before they get to their harder molt around 12-18 months of age

When the lazy days of summer turn into the cooler, shorter days of fall, you may also notice a few (or a lot!) of feathers laying around

Backyard Chickens and Salmonella Prevention

Rosemary and I wrinkling our noses over the thought of salmonella poisoning!

We have all heard horror stories of people getting salmonella poisoning And believe it or not, your feathered flock can be one of the main contributors to this unfortunate bacteria I’m going to do my best to explain this in easy-to-understand words Remember, I’m not an expert, I’m just a backyard chicken keeper who happens to have access to some great people who are experts in the poultry field!

The CDC estimates “Salmonella

What You Need to Know About Flystrike in Chickens

Today we’re going to address the not-so-beautiful side of raising backyard chickens Sound like fun, right? (Insert sarcasm) When I first started researching the different illnesses, diseases, and injuries chickens can receive and how to prepare for them, I remember flystrike as one that I prayed I would never have to deal with! Not only can it be deadly for your chickens, it is absolutely gross!

Fortunately, I have never had to deal with it, but recently my sister, Tamar, has had to treat one of her favorite chickens for flystrike We will be talking with her today on how