Chickens Love a Bath

People mowing their lawn, tilling the garden, or doing almost any home or yard chore usually finish tired, hungry, and dirty Nothing’s quite as luxurious after a hard day’s work as a warm bath or sudsy shower to remove grime and relax taxed muscles


Chickens aren’t as lucky Like humans they work hard scratching the dirt for delicious bugs and seeds and giving their human owner a nearly daily nest gem……an egg  Unfortunately, they can’t end the day’s labor with a bath or shower the way people can   Yet, chickens are fastidious about body care and appreciate the opportunity to

The Perfect Dust Bath

Have you noticed your chickens laying around in a dusty spot, kicking dust all over themselves? Chickens love to roll around in the dirt and dust  It may sounds backwards to ‘bathe’ in dust, but chickens have good reason for rolling around in the dirt  When chickens cover themselves in dust, they are doing so in order to take care of their feathers and skin  Chickens can easily become infested with external parasites like mites, fleas, ticks and other insects

Most of these insects prefer to hop onto patches of clean skin that they can easily gnaw through to get