Raising Chicks in the Winter Part 1

Most people think of spring as the ideal time to raise chicks, but chicks are available all year from Hoover’s Hatchery There are some good reasons you might want raise chicks in the winter and this post is the first in a three-part series on the topic of winter chicks

This first post will talk about pros of winter chicks, the second post will talk about some considerations (or potential cons) of raising chicks in the winter, and the third post will talk about how to keep those peeps warm in the event of power outage

Buffalo Gnats: Should You be Concerned for Your Birds?

For several weeks in the late spring and early summer, gnats, flies and other nuisance insects make their arrival known Most of these are simply a nuisance However, buffalo gnats, also called black flies or turkey gnats, are more than just a nuisance They can quickly wipe out livestock, including poultry species
Why are buffalo gnats a problem?
The female buffalo gnat feeds on blood Similar to a mosquito, she will bite an animal, or person, in order to draw out blood She then feasts on the blood Normally, the body would react to this by