Tips for Reducing Flies in the Coop

Flies are a constant nuisance, especially in backyards where you have livestock  Chickens don’t attract a huge amount of flies when compared to larger livestock like cattle or pigs, but they will still attract flies  Thankfully, there are a few simple ways to keep the annoying flies at bay

One of the first steps to reducing flies is to keep the coop and run clean  Flies are scavengers and feed on feces, decaying things and anything gross  If you keep the coop cleaned out, you’ll reduce the feed supply for flies around the coop  Remove poop daily  Poop in the

How to Keep Flies Out of Your Coop: Simple and Effective Ways to Keep Your Coop Fly Free This Season

“Shoo fly shoo!” We all know this statement far too well Keeping the flies out of your coop can seem like a battle you just can’t win Trust me – I’ve been there far more times than I can count When you’ve got an abundance of flies in and around your coop, it makes tending to your flock a lot less enjoyable I’m here to share all the tips and tricks that I know to help you get back to enjoying your flock this season!

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