Candling Eggs

Candling eggs is a fun and educational activity for both children and adults When incubating eggs at home, candling ensures you keep only the healthy eggs It is also just really neat to see the embryos growing! You can candle your eggs at home, but be advised, if you have darker eggshells, they can be harder to see Lighter colored eggs are easier to see through All chickens’ eggs hatch after 21 days of incubating at 995F Stages of embryo growth are very similar throughout the bird kingdom, with only small variables differentiating them

Incubation Timeline for Chickens

Hatching your own eggs at home is a really fun way to add to your flock  You’ll want fertilized eggs to hatch  You can either get these from your existing flock or you can purchase fertilized eggs from another farm  The process of incubation can take place either artificially with an incubator, or with a broody hen  We’re going to discuss the timeline of developing eggs and how you can manage them if you’re incubating them artificially


Chick Development

It takes chicken eggs 21 days to hatch  There’s a lot that goes on in those