Easter Fun

With Easter fast approaching, many of us backyard chicken owners are ready with baskets full of fresh eggs!

Hens really start laying on overdrive when the weather warms up and the sun decides to hang around later each evening Those eggs we waited for all winter, may now be arriving in droves! Easter is the perfect time to use up lots of those delicious eggs!


No Easter would be complete without dying Easter eggs, and when you have your own eggs fresh from your hens, it makes it all the more enjoyable

White, cream, blue, green, and dark brown- many of us

Preparing for Chicks to Arrive

The most important part of raising your own meat birds is preparation We begin preparing well in advance, so when the baby chicks arrive, all that is left to do is put them happily in the brooder

My husband is the mastermind of our setup and has built everything by hand There may be considerable cost up front, but many things are a one time build and can be used again and again 

    Before the chicks arrive, I already have the brooder ready We use an old square shipping container with