Smokehouse Scrambled Eggs

If you’ve decided to eat better this year, you can’t go wrong with farm fresh eggs!

Full of flavor and nutrients, these smokehouse inspired scrambled eggs are sure to satisfy! Pretty much everyone can cook scrambled eggs, so the whole family can chip in with the preparations!


One of the traditions we have in our home is a big, hearty weekend breakfast. If the weather is decent, we like to spend our weekends outdoors. We need a full, healthy breakfast to keep us going! Our smoky scrambled eggs stemmed from another weekend tradition: Friday night BBQ.

On most Friday nights, we love to pick up a pound of pork from Boondock’s BBQ the next town over. There is always plenty of meat leftover the next morning, so we add them to our scrambled eggs!

Here is what you will need:

  • 1-2 fresh eggs per person
  • Dash of milk
  • 1 cup leftover pulled pork
  • Diced garlic
  • Olive Oil



  • Smoked gouda or cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup halved cherry tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh salsa
  • Seasonings to taste (salt, butcher pepper, white pepper, and onion powder)


Preparing the scrambled eggs is the perfect time for little helpers to assist in the kitchen! My daughter loves to crack the eggs. It is good practice and she feels like she’s helping do a grownup job. After all the eggs are ready in the bowl (and shell free!), add your seasonings and a dash of milk to the scrambled eggs. The milk makes the eggs fluffier.

Meanwhile, in a non-stick skillet on medium heat, add a dash of olive oil, the BBQ pork, and freshly diced garlic. Allow the flavors to marry together for about 2-3 minutes. (Be sure to add the egg mixture before the garlic begins to brown!)

Next, in go the egg mixture, cherry tomatoes, and cheese. The key to getting that wonderful smoky flavor lies in the pork AND cheese. We love trying new cheeses! Anything smoky works great in this recipe; such as a heavy smoked gouda or cheddar. Chop the cheese into small cubes, and add right in with the eggs.

Cook the eggs to your liking and garnish with some garden salsa. My mother-in-law makes some tasty salsa from her garden every year, so we are lucky to have the very best!


Transforming scrambled eggs is a super easy and fun way to get creative in the kitchen. I hope you’ll try our little family’s recipe in your home this weekend!