We live in Minnesota where we get to experience all 4 seasons, and there’s something so cozy about fall. The days get shorter, the nights and mornings get cooler, and the colors are spectacular! Give me all the pumpkin spice everything, a good book and I’m content.

I also go all out decorating our house for fall. Garlands, pumpkins, candles and autumn wreaths are everywhere you look. I didn’t want the flock to feel left out, so I decorated their coop as well! Decorating your chicken coop doesn’t have to be hard or overly expensive.
Most of the time, I grow my own pumpkins and they double as a treat for the girls when the end of the season comes. Do as much or as little as you want. Adding color is so much fun.
I went to our local farm supply store and picked up some gorgeous mums and I keep my artificial wreaths from season to season. The entire process was fun and quick and makes the chicken area feel fall fresh.

I think the mistake some people make when it comes to decorating, is that they get so overwhelmed with how much, which color, what’s trendy, etc. My advice to you is to do what brings you joy! If you don’t like mums? Don’t use them! If pumpkins aren’t your thing? Use hay bales!
To finish it off, I’d really like to add some simple garland as well. The options are endless really. When the corn dries up a bit more, I’m going to have my hubby make some corn shocks for me to put up next to the side beams.
Before we know it, the snow will fly. But until then? I’m going to sit here, drink my pumpkin latte and snuggle my chickens! Happy almost fall everyone!
Until next time,
–The Wing Lady