The Chantecler (pronounced shan-ti-clear) is a cold-hardy, dual-purpose breed initially developed in Canada, in the early 1900s. The first Chanteclers were created by crossing Wyandottes, Cochins, Cornish, and Leghorns. The goal was to create a hardy, dual-purpose bird that could withstand the harsh Canadian winters, lay a good number of eggs, and produce a good carcass for the table. This breed lays approximately 200 large brown eggs per year. Mature adults weigh seven to nine pounds. Chanteclers typically feature small cushion combs, but there is a chance other types will develop along with little, practically non-existent, wattles and dense feathering. All of these traits make it very well suited to cold northern climates.
Temperament | Weight | Eggs per Year | Egg Size | Egg Color | Cold Hardy | Heat Hardy |
Docile, Calm, Gentle | 6-7 lbs. | 200 | Medium | Brown | Yes | Yes |
Temperament | Docile, Calm, Gentle |
Weight | 6-7 lbs. |
Eggs per Year | 200 |
Egg Size | Medium |
Egg Color | Brown |
Cold Hardy | Yes |
Heat Hardy | Yes |
Partridge Chantecler

Partridge Chantecler males have brilliant, rich red plumage on the neck and saddle with black tails and breasts. Females are a rich mahogany brown, with each feather having intricate black markings known as penciling. Chicks have brown down feathers, with dark speckled markings along their face and back.

Buff Chanteclers

Buff Chanteclers, originally called Albertans, are a beautiful golden buff color, similar to the Buff Orpington coloring. Chicks have buff-colored down and featherless legs.